May 5th question: Diameter and clustering coefficient Barabasi Abert and random network models

Supposing that we have a Barabasi-Albert model network and a random model network, both with a large and equal number of nodes N. Which statements are correct?

  1. The clustering coefficient of the Barabasi-Albert model network is expected to be greater than the random network's one.
  2. With the growth of N, the clustering coefficient of the Barabasi-Albert model network grows slower than the random network model's one by a factor of the order of ln(N)^2
  3. The diameter and the clustering coefficient of the Barabasi-Albert model network does not depends on m(the number of connections each new node has when joins the network) in asymptotic situations
  4. With the growth of N, the diameter of the Barabasi-Albert model network grows slower than the random network model's one by a factor of the order of ln(ln(N))
  1. 2, 3 and 4
  2. 1, 2, 3 and 4
  3. 1, 3 and 4
  4. 2 and 3
  5. None of the above

 Original idea by: Hitalo Cesar Alves



  1. Intereresting question, but the way it is written, it leaves some doubts. For instance, when you say 'grows slower', do you mean when N grows? This should be made clear. Also, when you say, 'does nor depend on m', what is m? You should specify. Also, I believe the diameter and clustering coefficient do depend on m, although their asymptotic behavior may not.

  2. I am sorry for the delay professor, I updated the question. Thanks


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