May 5th question: Diameter and clustering coefficient Barabasi Abert and random network models
Supposing that we have a Barabasi-Albert model network and a random model network, both with a large and equal number of nodes N. Which statements are correct?
- The clustering coefficient of the Barabasi-Albert model network is expected to be greater than the random network's one.
- With the growth of N, the clustering coefficient of the Barabasi-Albert model network grows slower than the random network model's one by a factor of the order of ln(N)^2
- The diameter and the clustering coefficient of the Barabasi-Albert model network does not depends on m(the number of connections each new node has when joins the network) in asymptotic situations
- With the growth of N, the diameter of the Barabasi-Albert model network grows slower than the random network model's one by a factor of the order of ln(ln(N))
- 2, 3 and 4
- 1, 2, 3 and 4
- 1, 3 and 4
- 2 and 3
- None of the above
Original idea by: Hitalo Cesar Alves
Intereresting question, but the way it is written, it leaves some doubts. For instance, when you say 'grows slower', do you mean when N grows? This should be made clear. Also, when you say, 'does nor depend on m', what is m? You should specify. Also, I believe the diameter and clustering coefficient do depend on m, although their asymptotic behavior may not.
ResponderExcluirI am sorry for the delay professor, I updated the question. Thanks